Gatwick Wilson James staff pleased with using the new Prevalis PRM Transfer Lift
London Gatwick Airport has been using the Prevalis PRM Transfer Lift in their daily operations since August 2019.
Wilson James Ltd, the service provider at Gatwick Airport, was one of the first companies to receive, test and use the PRM Transfer Lift in their daily operations, with success.
Wilson James at London Gatwick Airport has been using the Prevalis PRM Transfer Lift in their daily operations since August 2019.
Wheelchair bound travelers that need full assistance (WCHC passengers) are now assisted into, or out of their aircraft seats with the PRM Transfer Lift by a team of trained Wilson James staff.
Scott Hopkins, platform supervisor at Wilson James, reviews:
“At Gatwick Airport we have been using PRM (person with reduced mobility) passenger hoists for many years and have highly trained staff to operate hoists. The Prevalis PRM Transfer Lift completely changed our way of using a hoist on a PRM passenger and we were amazed of just how simple the PRM Transfer Lift works. It made lifting a passenger in a hoist a lot more stress free for both the passenger and our staff.”
“Gatwick Airport Assistance team are pleased to be using the Prevalis PRM Transfer Lift a lot more with passengers that need full assistance boarding or deboarding the aircraft, doing so reducing lifting injuries to staff and providing a better service to PRM passengers transiting at Gatwick Airport.”
Courtesy of:
Scott Hopkins (Gatwick Airport Ramp Supervisor)
Auteur: Mark Rinkking